Deep Space Music Pack 1 is now on the UE4 Marketplace!
Deep Space Music Pack 1 is now on the UE4 Marketplace! Click here to purchase.

Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace - Deep Space Music Pack 1 VOTE!
UE4 has put our Deep Space Music Pack 1 on the UE4 Marketplace Submissions Public Voting Trello Board. If we get enough votes we will get...

Wii U - We are officially Wii U developers!!
We wanted to make an announcement of some amazing news! Nintendo reached out to us yesterday and we are now official Wii U developers!!!!...

Unreal 4 - We are officially Unreal 4 developers!!
Being apart of the beta for UE4 was great!! We got to see firsthand what EPIC was working on and the changes they went through to create...

Lumora® is under Development
Lumora® is a collection of multiple puzzle games by Echospawn Studios™ Lumora® breaks the boundaries of ordinary puzzle games with new...

Our Deep Space Music Pack 1 is live!
Echospawn Studios Presents: Deep Space Music Pack 1 Purchase here: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/14813 With 20 minutes of...

Our new splash screen is here! (Still a work in Progress)
This is our new splash screen for 2014. Our logo is still not final, so expect an updated splash screen soon.

Xion is under development
Xion is a platforming, adventure/puzze game by Echospawn Studios™ Xion features a mix of platforming, action, and puzzle elements...

EFG: Eye For Games
We are glad to be working with EFG Magazine. -About EFG Magazine: "The concept behind Eye for Games is; looking at the game industry from...

Our new splash screen
We now have a splash screen! (This will be our place holder until we finish our real one.)